Saturday, October 19, 2013

Jennifer's Body

Apparently I had a theme for the past two days without realizing it. High school dances, gone wrong. For this Wacky Wednesday I chose Jennifer's Body. 

Another one that slipped through the cracks for me. I don't care for Megan Fox all that much but I was intrigued by it for the sake of it being written by Oscar-winning Diablo Cody. There is a lot of hate going around on this film, but I thought it was decent. Think of it as Mean Girls meets Carrie, sort of. Yes, it is all about Jennifer's body - I didn't really go into this movie thinking I wasn't going to see some of Megan Fox's curvy (or lack thereof) features. But, that's just it, aside from her being scantily clad here and there, there are no boob or butt shots - for the better. Some of the reviewers say that it is anti-feminist, showing her body as an object or some b.s. but I felt Cody and the director did a great job of incorporating the sexiness and allure of the character without being raunchy. I liked Juno but thought the writing was a little pretentious, but I did like the dialogue in this flick. I think it felt a little more realistic and less snide.

Jennifer and Anita "Needy" have been friends since childhood. Now in their teenage years, they are still best friends but are very different from one another. They live in a small town called Devil's Kettle because of the waterfalls that appear to lead deep into the Earth. One night, Jennifer decides they are going to go see this band from the big city at the only bar in town. It was the night that changed everything. Jennifer becomes possessed by a demon and uses her wiles to feed on the young men of the town, and Needy is the only one that knows and can stop her best friend from destroying the town. Megan Fox plays the character as, all I can assume, is herself since she has never really played any character that is too complex, but she plays it well. Amanda Seyfried as Needy is pretty cute and endearing. It reminded me of Ginger Snaps a bit, which I am a big fan of, so it gets some cred from me for that.

Demon Fox
All in all, it was entertaining. The extended cut is, I assume, better than the theatrical cut since many people complained how the development of the story didn't really make sense, but it seemed to make perfect sense to me. It was quirky and funny, as expected, and had some good gross out moments. I only wish Amy Sedaris had been in it more though and Lance Henriksen for that matter - he only had a small cameo at the very end...sigh.

My rating:

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