Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Hooray! It's Transcontinental Tuesday. (Man, that's a hard one to say.) And tonight, Hell was on the menu.

This film comes to us from Germany. In the not so distant future, Earth has become a barren wasteland as the sun scorches the surface. In the beginning of the movie, text reads:
2016 - The world as we know it has ceased to exist. In just four years, the Earth's atmosphere has heated up by 10 degrees Celsius. People are fighting for survival. Water and food supplies are running out. Social order is collapsing. 
I find there are infinite ways to show the human condition with post-apocalyptic movies. It's a reflection on how we react to extreme changes - how we struggle to survive. But also, how some cling to the past, and try to live as if nothing has changed. Their morals deteriorate to the point that they will do anything to keep that falsehood - anything to continue to survive as if their lives were normal. There are characters in this film that are like that. Most survivors, like our protagonists, are wanderers. Traveling to survive, but they encounter a group of people that are not nomadic as they are. They own a farm in the mountains that they can no longer grow crops on or have livestock - in fact, aside from occasional birds, it appears as if no animals have survived. This family can only find enough water to drink. Yet, they cling to their former lives, and without livestock they have found another source for "livestock."

Anyway, the idea of the movie was a little cliche, but I liked how it was done. It didn't delve too deeply in why it is like Hell on Earth - and I liked that. It went straight into the present and the action of the film. All the characters were believable and most were well acted. It was never too gruesome, which was good since it was more about the overlying story. It is definitely worth a watch if you are into post-apocalyptic movies or just want to see a movie that is interesting and will keep your attention.

My rating:

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