Monday, October 19, 2015

Horror-tober 19: Zombie Shorts and GWAR!

Did another day of short horror movies, but had a good excuse for not watching a full-length feature this evening because... GWAR! More on that later, for now, zombie shorts! Unsurprisingly there are a lot of zombie short films.

Waterborne is a short from Australia about zombie kangaroos, or as I like to call them zombaroos. Animal zombie movies are not often executed in a serious way (Zombeavers). Well, neither is this one really, but it is done well enough that it honestly is a bit creepy. I remembered watching this one recently and felt like starting the shorts off with something familiar. It sets the tone well and even the zombaroo effects are pretty well done.

Dark Times 

Bite Me. Found out after I watched this one that it is actually a full web series. It even has more than one season. But I watched it by itself and have to judge it as such. I included the link to the first full season as well because maybe it is good, but the first episode didn't really draw me in like I wanted it to so I may or may not watch the season.

Play Dead

It has been a lifetime goal of mine to see GWAR perform live. Not a lofty one because they tour constantly, but it has been fulfilled. Although I really missed the GWAR of my teen years with Oderus Ungurus' (Dave Brockie) recent passing, the new lead Blothar fits into the role well and did a spectacular job.

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