Sunday, October 11, 2015

Horror-tober 11: Tales from the Darkside

I thought I had seen this one in my childhood, but the more I looked at it the less it was familiar to me. So, we gave it a go for this Supernatural Sunday. (I did say we, because not only did Joey join in for this one, but so did ma bestie Skyra! Her first Horror-tober with me!)

Tales from the Darkside, like some others (namely Twilight Zone and Tales from the Crypt) is a movie based off of a television series, in particular the American horror anthology television series of the same name. It has an over-arching story of a young boy, about to be prepped for some suburban housewife's dinner party. As she (portrayed by Deborah Harry!) is preparing her "tools", he tries to distract her from that task by telling her stories from the "Tales from the Darkside" book; kind of similar to Arabian Nights in a way, except for the cannibalism. The three stories are actually quite entertaining too.

Blondie is unamused by your ramblings kid.
The first is a story about a nerdy, collegiate-type that obtains a mummy and discovers it has a scroll that allows him to control it. Great appearances by young Steve Buscemi, Julianne Moore, and Christian Slater in this one. It is based off a Sir Arthur Conan Doyle story and was gruesome but also fun and funny.

Buscemi reads from the scroll
The second tale is about a rich man that is haunted by a devil cat and hires a hitman to take care of it. This one is based off of a Stephen King story, which when you see it, is not that surprising. I particularly liked this one because it had some very strange visuals. And once you see a cat crawl into a man through his mouth, you will never be able to unsee it.

Is that a cat in your mouth, I just really high right now? 
Lastly, was a tale about an artist down on his luck. One night he witnesses his friend get murdered by a living gargoyle that makes him promise he will never tell anyone about what he saw. No surprise that he later tells someone, but the surprise is, who he tells. This one was delightfully weird and a bit creepy. It also had some dialogue that made us all laugh out loud, particularly, "You mean when you thought he was going to push you up against the wall and rape you," from a 10 year-old kid. Gargoyle effects on this one were pretty classic early 90s special effects which was also nice to see.

How could you pretend to forget a face like that? 
All in all, we all thought this one was good fun, and worth a watch. Mostly for the cat story.    

My rating:

Joey's rating:

Skyra's rating:

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