Friday, October 10, 2014


My Creature Feature Friday list is pretty dismal this year and after spending about an hour trying to find something better, I just ended up choosing this one.

A woman moves to a cabin in the woods (first sign of an often used horror movie cliche). It also had the typical creepy old guy warning her, foreshadowing events to come, "it's not tourist season anymore. It's the mean season. Get out while you still can." Our main character finds herself alone in her cabin (well with her two fish and cat) but something is eating her and her cat's food. She purchases some rat poison and traps to kill off whatever is invading her quaint little abode. A gentleman enters the town's general store and identifies himself as a biologist studying the ecosystem in the area. He tells her it is strange that there are a bunch of species disappearing. Upon leaving the store, her car has exhausted its last... exhaust and he offers to take her home. On the way he shows her some odd slime(?)/hair(?)/something he found on the pond near her cabin. Then, at the cabin they discover what has been eating her food, and sadly her cat (trust me, it doesn't ruin it for you. We all saw it coming.). They are... the aberration. Mutated creatures that are so horrible, so adaptable, so hokey. Seriously, even for a low-budget film the creature effects are so very bad.

Cabin in the woods, oooh. Cabin in the woods, yeah.
Killer lizard
It's so scary, I can't even look!
It was probably the worst choice I could have made for this evening. However, on nights when Joey goes to bed early for work and I am left alone watching a movie, I can't have it too loud so I usually end up watching it with subtitles. So for something super schlocky, it's not that bad since I don't really hear the bad acting or cheesy music cues. I was definitely thankful for that with this one since the acting really was very bad. The biologist character is not believable, although more so than the one in Prometheus, but that's a whole different discussion. Our heroine is also whiny and dumb. Not to mention the highly evolved killer geckos. That's right, a tropical or desert species in a temperate climate. Totally makes sense right? With the sudden winter storm, they've holed up in the cabin, and inside the neighbor (remember the old man? Mean season indeed.), because they are a TROPIC species and need warmth. I mean, our biologist points the peculiarity out, yet doesn't try to make anything of it. I could go on, but it really isn't worth trying to analyze who thought it was a good idea to  have mutated geckos outside of their natural habitat as killer creatures in a horror film.

I spy, with my little eye. A terrible movie! 
Someone, please save me from my bad acting.
It's not often that I watch something so bad that I can't even give it an "ok" rating of two skulls.

My rating:

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